March 31


Generally I talk about fandoms on my blog but I sorta wanted to talk about Cliches. Cliches are all around in the entertainment business. Books, movies, and shows especially. Cliches do happen in real life but I’m not going to talk about that today. So if you want to hear my take on this topic here goes.

The cliche I want to talk about is one that comes up a lot in romance books. They also come out a lot in fanfiction.  I used to love them and I would read them a lot. (Disclaimer: I’m not trying to call anyone out or say they’re bad books.) But something that I would see a lot of is this. There is an untochable bad boy that loves no one with his own little group that are super popular. The new innocent girl comes to school and they boy instantly likes her. The girl doesn’t like the boy and tells him to back off. There is a typical jealous mean girl in there somewhere. The boy invades the girls person space. The girl eventually likes the boy. Some sorta drama happens. The story goes on like that.

There are also other cliches in these types of stories. The girl is often innocent and unnoticed and she always calls herself as nothing special. But she always ends up as this sassy person and apparently beautiful later on in the story. The bad boy is often terrible to the girl at times and yet the girl always forgives them. Also side note it seems like they never have homework.  Another thing is that other then the main boy and girl the characters around them often don’t have a lot to them. The best friends to each of the boy and girl don’t do a lot aside from support their friend and make some quips but that’s about it.

I have to admit that at first these stories seem really interesting but the more I looked at them at a different perspective and grew up a bit I don’t see them as appealing. From time to time they are fun to read but I have ended up liking stories that break cliches a bit more. I see some comments on people saying they wish they had these stories happen to them but in my opinion I don’t agree. If I came across a boy like that I would probably end up hating them.

Thanks for reading and tell me in the comments if you agree or not!

-Mina ♥



March 31

Carmen Sandiego

So recently Netflix has come out with a new show called Carmen Sandiego. I instantly started to love this show. The animation, the story, and the characters. The story is action packed and it is so fun to watch. admittedly Carmen Sandiego is a kids show. However I think a lot of people would like it. If you haven’t watched the show you really should and come back and read this post afterwards. As for the people that have keep on reading.

Let me tell you a little bit about the story. The main character is Carmen Sandiego but what makes her so interesting is her backstory. Carmen Sandiego is an orphan found by somebody  and she was brought to an island. This island is where she grew up and the only thing there was VILE academy. VILE Academy was a school for thieves and the staff and people there were the people that she grew up with. The people that took care of her. She was too young to apply for the school and she never was able to leave the island. So she never saw the outside world and all she knew came  from thieves. She eventually made contact of the outside world through a cell phone that she got a hold of. The person she came contact to became her best friend. When she was a bit older she applied for the academy and she got in. But once she got there she realized that not everything is as it seems. She realized that stealing was bad at that the people she grew up with hurt people. She found out what really VILE stood for. Villians Internation League of Evil. She decided to escape from VILE and with her took a harddrive of all the information of VILE’s little projects. That’s when our story begings.

Carmen sets out to stop VILE and all the terrible things they do. The person she came in contact to is called Player and he’s a white hat hacker. We see her adventures in stopping VILE and it’s such a fun story. Something I love about this show is the aesthetic of it. VILE always seems to take on the color red and Carmen in turn when she left VILE she herself took up the theme of the color red. She has the iconic red hat and coat. All her tools are red as well. The animation is stunning and the characters are extremly likeable.

Carmen Sandiego is a great show and I think it’s going to keep on getting better. The twist in the season finale sets up for a great story line ahead and I’m really excited. Something that is also great about the show is that it teaches the viewers along the episodes. I can’t wait to see season two and how this story is gonna go.

Thanks for reading!

-Mina ♥

(Photos from Unsplash)



March 31

The Old Gods Are Back

The world screwed up.

When aliens first came to our solar system we were overjoyed. Admittedly some were a bit weary but we still welcomed them with open arms. I for one was terrified but I have to admit I was curious. 

But when they came it didn’t got nearly as well as we hoped. They took one look of us and thought that we were unfit to be in control in our planet. They said we must give up control of Earth. 

We didn’t 

Us humans are terrible on so many levels and even if we didn’t deserve the planet we weren’t willing to give it up .

The world leaders came together and planned a huge assault on the main ship hoping to decimate them. As far as the world knows it didn’t work. The bombs were somehow deactivated, the bullets didn’t seem to affect them too much, and the soldiers names are well honored today. 

The war began and we are losing terribly. But we’re not done. Humans are a little too stubborn to give up on hope. But the countries fell. Now people are split up in rebellion groups. Doing what we can to help each other and stop the enemies as much as possible. 

Attacks kept coming and groups were disappearing left and right and the attacks were getting more and more ruthless. 

Then the stories started coming.

They first just seemed odd but nothing to think too much big. But still…large tsunamis that hit the aliens costal bases but never seemed to come close to the rebellion groups that were set there. Volcanoes erupting even doormat ones and lava only affecting areas where the aliens weapons were held. A freak storm that wiped out an army that was advancing on a large rebellion group. 

But things got weirder. Rumors spread of armies of aliens dead on the ground with flowers growing out of them. A man with shadows and a woman with flowers always seemed close by. They didn’t shut up about a woman so beautiful she stopped a running army right in it’s tracks but her pleasant face soon turned dangerous and with a word the aliens turned and killed each other.

Things kept happening. Their were aliens that had trees growing through them. People claimed to see monsters in the ocean taking out enemy ships. The aliens somehow gone insane when faced with a man with purple eyes. They talked of glowing chariots that charged towards armies with fury unmatched. 

But it can’t be true. 

I only believed it when I saw it with my own eyes. I was on a supply run when I got trapped in the forest and in the clearing faced the largest army I’ve seen so far. A feeling of dread spread through me. I hung the supplies in a tree in hope that the group would find it. 

As I walked out to the clearing the army slowly advanced. But before I could do anything two being stepped out of the forest. Twins. They glowed impossibly bright like the sun and moon. 

The man and woman looked young but their eyes told a different story. There were eyes that seen a lot of things and held a lot of age and I instantly knew who they were. They had arrows in their hands and the woman had wolves closely following her. Then the man started to sing. It was eery and beautiful and he sung of a prophecy. While he sung the twins cocked their arrows and they attacked. Every arrow hit. The wolves attacked and the mans singing made the aliens collapse and start sobbing, some of them dropped dead. 

Nothing even touched me. I heard the song but it wasn’t meant for me. It never spoke it’s truth to me. But the aliens felt all of it and you can see it affecting them. But still the power vibrated in the air and I felt myself fall to the ground and close my eyes.

But the music stopped abruptly and I opened my eyes. The bodies of the aliens laid dead right where they stood moments before. There were arrows in every alien all struck the same place exactly. Not a millimeter off.  

The twins stood in the middle of it glowing brightly compared to the bodies. I shakily stood up and wiped the blood off my ear. The twins gently smiled and spoke in unison “Did you really thing we left forever?” Two chariots descended and I watched as they were carried away to fight the next battle. 

When I went to get the supplies I found a bow and arrow set attached to it that faintly glowed. 

Yes monsters came to our world and the tricks up our sleeve didn’t quite work. But a couple of old ones came back. 

Yes the gods are real and it turns out they never quite left.

So now as I fight I fight with the gods. 



(Hey everyone I saw this story prompt on Tumblr and made this. I know it’s not very good but I decided to put it on here cause I sorta ran out of ideas on what to write about. But hey I hope you enjoyed!)

Thanks for reading!

-Mina ♥


(Photos from Unsplash)