November 29

My School Work

So for this post I am suppose to post about works I’m proud of and so here they are!

So this a drawing I drew in art. We were just suppose to draw something because it was the first class and so I decided to draw the Empire State Building. I think I did pretty well on and I like the drawing so here it is in my portfolio category.

This was a big project for Math. This is only part of it the real thing has about twenty slides full of information. We had to make a slideshow to teach the grade below us how to use this website Banzai. It took a lot of time and I was worried about it because I was the last to finish. But my group got a good grade on it and it went smoothly.

This assignment is to put work your proud of onto a post. This is a play/project we had to do in Social studies about the Salem Witch Trials. I’m not to sure if it’s completely accurate but it was a ton of fun to do and part of me is super proud of it because in the end it was all improve and this is just something we used to turn in. We also got a A on it so overall it was a win win situation.

This was a slideshow we had to make in technology about the bombing of Nagasaki. This was a project for that class and I had a lot of fun making it with my group. We did a good grade on it and I think we were able to pack a lot of information. Of course their is more information but either way I’m proud of this assignment.

I swear I’m not putting so much SS on purpose it’s just we have a lot of projects in this class. So this is a project for Social Studies about the Cherokee Tribe. This is pretty much just the notes we all had to put it on the project but I sadly don’t have a photo for that. But I think my group did well and our poster was very descriptive.

So those are the works I’m proud of for trimester one. Thanks for reading!




February 16

Tech Class Work

In class at one point, we focused a lot on fake news and we had to write a document about it. I chose to put it in here because the people reading could learn a thing or two.

  1. Why do you think people create “fake news” or share things without checking the facts?

They may have not been in aware of the fact that it is fake news and may share it without knowing. They may have just read the title and assumed it was true.

  1. What kind of impact do you think “fake” news has on the world and society?  Positive? Negative? Why? Explain your answer in detail.

I think fake news has a huge impact in this world and I don’t think it’s true. Fake news may falsely accuse somebody and people may believe that and have their opinion on that person. It may also change an opinion or change their choices negatively.


  1. How do YOU make sure that what you hear/see is real?

You can check the facts and look into it. There are ways to tell from what is real and not and by following these steps you can figure if it’s real or not.

  1. List TWO different ways people can “check” whether the information is real or not.

You can pay attention to the domain and url. You can also check where they got the information from because usually sites that say information gets the info from many different sites and through that you can see if what it says is true.


I hope you learned something while reading! Thanks for reading!


February 16

Japanese Class Work

In Japanese, we never use a document ever. It’s all paperwork so I had to post a picture instead. You might not know whats going on because you may not be able to speak Japanese but you could know what goes on in Japanese class.

Thanks for checking it out! Hope you enjoyed.


February 15

Research Skills Work

At one point in Research Skills, we were on the topic of Monkeypod trees. So we needed to write a document about it and that’s exactly what I chose to use for this post.

I think that the Monkeypod tree is very important to the Nuuanu Community but it is hazardous and should be removed. It is an important tree but it shouldn’t risk people being in trouble. I think they should transfer the tree somewhere else in the park. It says in the pressreader the article it says that the monkeypod tree is being removed and replaced but it says the tree will not be placed somewhere else in the park.

It is upsetting that they aren’t putting it somewhere in the park.  But I’m glad they aren’t planning to just take it out and throw it away. It says in the Star Magazine article and it says they are transferring it somewhere else. So it is good that the monkeypod tree will not be killed and the big tree will be done and safe.




Staff, Web. “Lane closures required to remove the large decaying tree in Nuuanu.” KHON2, 5 June 2017,


Star-Bulletin, Honolulu. “Overgrown trees blocking street lamps.”,

February 15

Math Work

Math is a little different we don´t write on documents often so I decided to take a picture of a worksheet I did. I like to think it’s one of my better works because I got a good grade from it. Who knows by looking at this think you could learn how to nail your LCMs.










Hope you learned something! Thanks for checking it out!


February 15

Science Work

As for science, I chose to post a report. They’re full of data and take a while to write so I thought I would post one. This one’s a very recent one that tested people’s reaction time based on the time of day.

Ready or Not

I Question

Does people’s reaction vary at different times of the day?

II Hypothesis

The morning reaction time would be worse because they would be tired while in the afternoon they are more aware.

III Safety Considerations

1.get permission before volunteer. in an area where subjects can focus.

lV Plan (a set of steps to collect data to answer your problem)

  1. Go up to someone and ask if they want to be part of your experiment
  2. Test 7 people in the morning 7 after school
  3. Record the data
  4. Make graph
  5. Compare it to my hypothesis


Ally Peoples 1:  0.16 0.13 0.13
Reise Peoples 2: 0.17 0.18 0.16
Caden Person 3: 0.22 0.15 0.17
Ridge Person 4: 0.14 0.17 0.13
Brady Person 5: 0.18 0.18 0.18
Ally PM:  0.18 0.14 0.15
Reise PM:  0.17 0.15 0.14
Caden PM:  0.20 0.20 0.19
Ridge PM:  0.15 0.18 0.20
Brady PM: 0.20 0.15 0.14Conclusion

Does people’s reaction vary at different times of the day? Well, that’s what we asked while doing this experiment. I hypothesized that people’s reaction would be worse in the morning because I thought that they would be more tired than the afternoon so their reaction would be slower. But when we recorded the data that wasn’t exactly accurate. For some yes, their reactions were slower in the morning while others their reaction were slower in the afternoon. It was 50/50. So, in the end, it counts on the person. Some are better in the morning while others are better in the afternoon.

I hope you learned something in this report. It may not be the most enjoyable and fun to read but reports can help you learn a lot. Thank you for reading!


February 15

Social Studies Work

For my social studies work, I decided to post a slam poetry I did as a project. I thought it was fun and I liked it so I decided to put it up here.

Arrival of the missionaries

We sailed for days

With little knowledge about where we’re going

When we got there they were odd


They looked different

They talked different

And they lived different

We went there to teach

To improve their lives

With god


We were welcomed with kindness


We came at the perfect time

They had no religion

No real system


So we taught them about god

It fulfilled the empty part of their lives


It wasn’t without troubles

They looked at us oddly and so did we

We had to make our own homes

We sacrificed our skin and bones

They looked at us like we were from a different planet


It was dreadful at first, impossible even

To teach them about god


And at times we questioned

Is this worth it?

But it turned out it was and so we stayed


But a great sickness came

And a darkness fell over


Many died

And Hawaii Cried


It greatly affected us

And our mission


But we went on

And that is the story

Of the Arrival of the Missionary

I hoped you enjoyed it! When I was writing it I was really into it and it was fun to write. Thank you for reading!


February 15

Language Arts Work

For my best work, I chose to put in my book review. I don’t think it’s my very best but I think it’s more beneficial and makes more sense for the readers.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian

So the book I’m going to talk about is the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. It’s the last book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It’s a fantasy and adventure book and it’s for kids the same age of us to read. It took me about two days to read but it was summer so I had a lot of free time. I would rate it a 5/5. So here’s why.This book was an amazing ending to the series. Percy is a  demigod a son of Poseidon god of the sea and he is going up against a pretty much impossible enemy and the enemy’s entire army of monsters with only himself and  40 other kids. He is part of the Great Prophecy which is the whole set of problems and mystery with hidden meanings. The prophecy says he holds the fate of the gods and face a choice that may plunge the world into darkness or save the gods. He is faced with obstacles not just physically but mentally and take risks like no others. With major plot twists that make it impossible to put the book down/ While reading this book it constantly keeps you on the edge trying to figure what could possibly happen. It’s full moments that make your heart cry and moments that make you want to dance in joy. This story takes you right into and makes you feel and experience the events the way they do.It makes it seem like your right there with them and that’s why it’s so amazing. So if you like books that keep you on the edge and is full of magic but can make you crack a smile then you might just want to check this series slash book out.

So I hope you enjoyed and I hope it made you want to read the book. Thanks for reading!
